My Babies

My Babies

Friday, July 1, 2011

Lego Names...

So, a very good friend of mine and fellow bereaved parent asked a simple task of her friends to help her celebrate her sons life. All she asked, was for everyone to write her son's name somewhere and send her a picture of it. I thought really hard of the different ways I could do this, I wanted it to be special, because her son is special and she is a very special friend. I finally decided I would use LEGOs to create his name...well after a few tries, I finally got it finished! Now to most this may not seem like a big deal, but to those of us that know the pain of losing a child - seeing their name can simply put a smile on our face. Once I posted it, I offered to make one for another friend and quickly finished and posted it. Her happiness over seeing her son's name made me think that maybe I could offer happiness to a few others. So....if you know someone, or you would like for me to create your child's name out of Legos, please let me know:)

For Gage

For Julius
